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Jr Ocean Guardians Last Day of No Straw November 2017

So many people have played a huge role in the success of No Straw November. Some I have worked directly with and others have I have not yet had the pleasure to meet but I hope to one of these days. I want to take a quick minute to thank Gigi @ Ocean Elders, Dune and Emy @ Lonely Whale, Keith @ LDC Foundation, Jack, Sarah, Noaki and the amazing Commissioners and awesome staff @ the California Coastal Commission, Monterey Bay Aquarium and the TCL Program, Jackie @ The Last Plastic Straw & Plastic Pollution Coalition.

Mina and Sheila and my Girl Scout Council of Central Coast California, Ms. Suzan who is the best Girl Scout Troop 23174 Leader, Delta Airlines, Farmer Brothers Coffee, the amazing team at Dreamforce 2017, and the unstoppable team at Sustainable Monterey. There are so many more people to thank and I sincerely thank all of you for helping spread the word to help our oceans and planet from plastic pollution.

So what's next? I've got a few things that I will be working on in the next few months and there will be a contest to name the Jr Ocean Guardians mascot sometime in 2018. My goal is to continue building awareness to single-use plastic not only in California, but worldwide. With all of your support, I have great hope that we can make a huge difference.

Thank you,


Jr Ocean Guardians


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