Last month I received an email from Ms. Warner who is a kindergarten teacher at Glacier Edge Elementary School in Verona, Wisconsin. Ms. Warner was looking for kid-friendly resources to help encourage the Glacier Edge students to reduce their plastic consumption, in particular single-use plastic straws. The hope was to encourage their 600 students to stop using their single-use plastic straws during their breakfast and lunch meals. Jr Ocean Guardians was happy to provide Ms. Warner's amazing 18 kindergarteners with our activity books to help them on them on their plastic-free journey.

Earlier this week, I received a straw update letting me know that the single-use plastic straw consumption at Glacier Edge has dropped from 1,300 straws per day to 350 straws per day! And, they are hoping for ZERO straws being used by the end of this week. WOW, THIS IS INCREDIBLE NEWS! Of course, some students may need a straw and straws will be available for students who need one.
What makes this such an amazing story is that Wisconsin doesn't have an ocean, but it does border Lake Superior and Lake Michigan. 80% of the trash found in our oceans is not coastal trash, it is trash that has made it way from the wind and traveling through our rivers, lake, streams. By these amazing eco-warriors at Glacier Edge Elementary reducing their single-use plastic straws, they are not only making a difference in their community and the State of Wisconsin, but the world. Remember, even if you don't see the ocean every day, your actions can make a huge impact on our oceans and planet, both good and bad.
Please take a moment to check out the highly inspiring Glacier Edge video featuring their amazing eco-warriors celebrating their single-use plastic straw success. I hope this will encourage and challenge you to be an eco-warrior and make waves!